Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Service Learning <3

1. Reflect on Friday's meeting (May 9). Specifically answer:

a. What have I learned about our group's topic?
I've learned that there are many people using ESL in Philadelphia. I also learned that they enjoy, and actually really want to learn English.

b. What have I learned about myself through service learning?
I've learned that I am a very prositent person, and I excel at working in groups. Although I am the same by myself.

c. If I were in charge of this group I would change:
I would change the amount of time we get for each Service Learning Period. I would make more outings to different Nursing Homes, Elderly Homes etc.

2. Plan for Thursday May 15 meeting. Post at least 3 ideas, polls, information, websites, or resources on your topic.
- Idea; Go out to different Elderly Homes
- List of elderly homes in philadelphia http://www.paseniorcenters.org/community/county/philadelphia.htm
- Idea#2; I think we should have a fundraiser to raise money for an elderly home of our choice

3. Talk to a friend in a different group, or read a blog from a different group. List 3 things that you found out about the other group.
Service Learning Group* Darfur
"At our meeting we talked about different ways of making people aware of the genocide in Darfur. We also talked about different fundraising methods to raise money for t-shirts and rist bands to sell. The group leaders brought up an idea on going to other schools and making presentaions to make people aware and reading books about Darfur to children in elementary schools."

1 comment:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

the dafur issue is real important. have a great weekend and i added u to my blog roll if u dont mind