Wednesday, December 12, 2007

.10 Huck Finn

Huck Finn

I believe “Huck Finn” by Mark Twain should be taught at Constitution High School and many other schools across the nation. I have many reasons; it shows a black slave as a hero, shows a different language (that could open your mind), followed by a series of conflict and compromise with the characters.

In the story Jim the slave is secretly portrayed as the hero. Huck ran away from his estranged father, for him rather to be with Jim. Most stories I’ve read the slaves are the “villain”; the one who did the world “wrong”. Jim helps out, even telling fortunes. It would really open up many students minds’, to a different perspective.

Most people would say “My god the language in this book, it should be banned!” That is not the case, the book take you back into a mind state of the “slavery days”. By using the language many people used back in that time, it seems more realistic. Also showing us, how some people have over came this. It really helped me as a first time reader of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

The story also has a wide base of “conflict and compromise”. For Example Huck Finn and his father really didn’t get along; to the point where his father had to change himself from being a “good for nothing drunk”. Accessing to Huck examining himself, seeing what he really wants to be. Not what his father wants or even Ms. Watson. That would really help a student with some of the struggles they have in this era in their own life.

In conclusion, I believe The Adventures of Huck Finn by Mark Twain should be taught at Constitution High School, and schools across the nation. It shows a black slave as a hero, a strange but eye opening language, with a series of conflict and compromise between many characters. Yes, the book has cons; but reading it wouldn’t cause any harm!

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