Friday, May 30, 2008

Indepent Service Learning Reflection

The Three Levels of Reflection

The Mirror (A clear reflection of the Self)

* What have I learned about myself through this experience?
I have learned that just because you're young doesn't mean that you can't help. I learned that I can do what ever I put my mind to.

* Do I have more/less understanding or empathy than I did before volunteering?
I basically have the same understanding, I know that some people think volunteering is useless. They think "why do something, if you're not getting paid". But volunteering is a thing that everyone should do once in their life.

* Will these experiences change the way you act or think in the future?
I think some of these experiences will change the way I act and think in the future because I am now more open to helping people.

The Microscope (Makes the small experience large)

* What would you change about this situation if you were in charge?
I would change the organization skills of some fundraisers.

* What have you learned about this agency, these people, or the community?
When I walked for the help of Funding for Cherry Hill, I learned that many people actually care about their community, because they have fundraisers like this to fund different things. & I think that communities here should do the same. When I volunteered for Frankie's Fight Carnival, I learned that people do care, especially when students from our school showed up.

* What more needs to be done?
I think that more people need to volunteer for things, because although it may seem so small, in actuality it;s helping a lot.

The Binoculars (Makes what appears distant, appear closer)

* What are three big issues that create problems that our service is trying to address?

* What else could be done to change the situation:
o Locally - Create awareness groups.
o Nationally - Use the media.
o Internationally - Create big fundraisers, like ( Keep A Child Alive )

* How will service learning change your future behaviors/attitudes/and career?
Service Learning will help change my future behavior because I am now more aware.
Service Learning will help change my attitude because it opens my eyes of how I should be grateful what I have.

New York

To sum everything up...

We went to Time Square First
Walked around, bought things for about 45 minutes
Got on the bus, went to Sylvia's located in Harlem
Walked around to Sylvia's.
We ate, after we were finished we walked to the Apollo.
At the Apollo we were told the history of the Apollo.
Then the "man in charge" asked if we could have 5 people that wanted to perform.
Five people went up, and they all sang. It was pretty funny :]
After that we were met outside by two people from Grand Master Flash & The Furious Five. We were split into groups, and we toured around Harlem.
At the end of the tour we went to the NYC museum, there we watched a movie about the history of NYC.
We bough souvenirs, and after that we got back on the bus at about 5-ish to head back to school.
Pretty nice day. I enjoyed it.

Friday, May 23, 2008

For Next Year..

For next year, I believe that we should become more organized.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Next Weeks Service Learning Plan.

For next week's service learning hopefully we will visit the nursing/elderly home once again, and actually introduce ourselves to them. If we don;t visit them we can continue to further our research on finding other places to go. Not to mention the ESL at the library is going extremly well. :]

Service Learning Reflection <3

I loved our last service learning meeting. Our group went out, for our meeting on Thursday. It was a great sunny day, & we enjoyed the weather. Firstly we went to the park, and discussed what events we could go to for the elderly. Then we walked to the Elderly Home, and three of the sophomores went into the lobby. When they came back out, they told us that they would love for us to come back, that we were welcomed there anytime. Not to mention afterwards we went to get our free ice coffees. Lol. Very Good day :]

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Service Learning <3

1. Reflect on Friday's meeting (May 9). Specifically answer:

a. What have I learned about our group's topic?
I've learned that there are many people using ESL in Philadelphia. I also learned that they enjoy, and actually really want to learn English.

b. What have I learned about myself through service learning?
I've learned that I am a very prositent person, and I excel at working in groups. Although I am the same by myself.

c. If I were in charge of this group I would change:
I would change the amount of time we get for each Service Learning Period. I would make more outings to different Nursing Homes, Elderly Homes etc.

2. Plan for Thursday May 15 meeting. Post at least 3 ideas, polls, information, websites, or resources on your topic.
- Idea; Go out to different Elderly Homes
- List of elderly homes in philadelphia
- Idea#2; I think we should have a fundraiser to raise money for an elderly home of our choice

3. Talk to a friend in a different group, or read a blog from a different group. List 3 things that you found out about the other group.
Service Learning Group* Darfur
"At our meeting we talked about different ways of making people aware of the genocide in Darfur. We also talked about different fundraising methods to raise money for t-shirts and rist bands to sell. The group leaders brought up an idea on going to other schools and making presentaions to make people aware and reading books about Darfur to children in elementary schools."

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Service Learning Plans For Today May 1, 2008

We planned to go next door to the library, to teach at an ESL program. Before we teach we are going to learn the basics of what we have to do. I hope that our day is succesful.

Obama & Lincoln.

I do think these two are alike like the article says in many aspects. Today is a different time, and I believe people should want a change. You never know a person's abilities. People should give Barack Obama a chance. Forget what his pastor has said, because his Pastor is not the person running for president. People over look the big picture, stop asking him questions that don't have any connection to what he would do for our country.

Lincoln was too a different kind when he ran for president. Obama could possibly change our country for the better. Our country is in a bad state, and we need someone to heal the wounds.

[Extra Credit.]

Research Update.

I sent an email to
Philadelphia Senior Center Coffee Cup Satellite and Asian Pacific Senior Resource Center.

New updates later...

Service Learning Day 3 <3

We had a very successful day, which isn't surprising. My group is full of hard workers. We talked about how we could manage our schedule. One day we would go to the ESL students, and another day we would go to Elderly Home. Mr. Todd asked us to split up responsibilities, because in the end this is our Service Learning Project.

On another note I think I will go to the Child-Hood Cancer Carnival. I would like to help out to get Independent Hours.

*;- Alexis